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Results of [Keyword Search:Faculty of Science]
21 - 40 out of 65 results

1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Faculty Position Name Research Field Research Group
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Vice President,Director of Library KAWAI-YAMADA Maki
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Associate Professor SATO Yohei variational method, partial differential equation
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Associate Professor HATAKEYAMA Shin
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor KOSAKA Masashi Condensed matter physics Condensed matter physics,rare-earth compounds
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor TANII Yoshiaki
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Vice President,Professor NAGASAWA Takeyuki
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor TAKAYANAGI Toshiyuki
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor UENO Keiji
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor TANAKA Shuuitsu
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor TAKAHASHI Daisuke
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor NAGASHIMA Hiroki Electron spin resonance,Photochemistry,Photosynthesis,Singlet fission,Pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Associate Professor SHINAOKA Hiroshi
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Lecturer KORE-EDA Shin Plant physiology/molecule
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor TANIGUCHI Hiromi
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor YAMASU Kyo Developmental Biology development,embryogenesis,brain development,zebrafish,neurogenesis,patterning,molecular biology,developmental genetics
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor,Director, Space Observation Research Center TASHIRO Makoto Astrophysics,High Energy Astrophysics,Observation (X-ray, Gamma-ray, Optical) Astrophysics,Observation,X-ray,gamma-ray,optical,blackhole
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Professor KOBAYASHI Tetsuya
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Associate Professor SAKURAI Yohei
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Associate Professor MAEDA Kiminori
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor SATO Yoshiki

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